Gum Disease Treatment in Scottsdale, Arizona
Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a common but potentially serious oral health condition. The problem occurs when the gums become irritated or infected due to exposure to bacteria, tartar, and plaque. Left untreated, gum disease can have serious consequences, including tooth loss.

In its early stages, gum disease will seem minor. Your gums might appear slightly swollen and dark, and they may bleed during brushing and flossing. Many people choose to ignore these symptoms allowing the condition to progress. Soon, the gums may begin to retract and pull away from the teeth creating “pockets” between the teeth and gums. These are prime environments for bacteria and plaque to grow and spread throughout the mouth. If the bacteria and plaque reach the jawbone, it can decay and deteriorate, which can ultimately lead to tooth loss.Gum and bone loss aside, the dangers of untreated and advanced periodontal disease can wreak havoc on your health and coincide with diseases such as stroke, heart disease, respiratory disease, pregnancy complications, diabetes, and osteoporosis. The good news is that when you combine effective oral hygiene with regular dental appointments, you can easily prevent periodontal disease from happening or worsening. If you experience any pain or discomfort with your teeth, gums, or surrounding tissue, please schedule an appointment with us right away.
At Cholla Family Dentistry, we offer treatments to treat gum disease at every stage. We look forward to working with you to restore your dental health. Our periodontal treatments include:
- Scaling and Root Planing
- Gum Graft Surgery
- Dental Crown Lengthening
- Gingivectomy
- Root Surface Debridement
- Laser Treatment
- Pocket Reduction
- Osseous Surgery
- Ridge Augmentation
- Ridge Preservation
- Regenerative Procedures
- Sinus Lift
- Bone Grafting
Further Reading
WebMD: Gum Disease (Gingivitis & Periodontitis): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Colgate: Gum Disease: Causes, Prevention, & Treatment of Gum Disease

To learn more about this condition and the treatments, call our team to set up a consultation. We hope you’ll enjoy visits to our office where you’ll find unique amenities like a beverage bar, cookies and a children’s play area in the waiting room, wireless headphones and flat-screen TVs in patient rooms, a therapy dog, neck pillows and lip balm. You can reach us at (480) 935-6741