Tooth Extraction in Scottsdale, Arizona
For tooth extractions in Scottsdale, visit your caring local dentists are Cholla Family Dentistry.

Tooth extraction is a routine procedure here at our Scottsdale dental office. Also referred to as a dental extraction, exodontia, or exodontics, this procedure involves the removal of a tooth from its socket in the alveolar bone. If you need a tooth extraction, call our office today. We also perform wisdom tooth extractions.
Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction
There are a wide variety of reasons why tooth extractions are necessary, such as:
Severe tooth decay and infection:
Even those who practice great at-home care can develop tooth decay due to disease, misaligned teeth, or other oral health concerns. Our dentists may recommend tooth extraction if the tooth is too decayed to be repaired or restored.
Teeth crowding:
The size of your jaw and teeth can cause crowding, resulting in misaligned teeth. By removing one or more teeth, we can provide space for the other teeth to reposition into the desired alignment with the help of braces treatment.
Dental trauma:
Usually caused by accidents and injuries from contact sports or other physical activities, dental trauma can result in loose teeth, broken teeth, or damaged tooth roots. Extraction may be necessary if the tooth is severely damaged.
Periodontal disease:
Untreated gum disease can damage the gums and jawbone. This can cause one or more teeth to loosen, which may necessitate extraction.
Impacted wisdom teeth:
In some cases, a wisdom tooth doesn’t erupt fully because it is blocked by another tooth. Removing the impaction can save an individual from pain, infections, and further complications.
Wisdom Tooth Removal
When your wisdom tooth erupts through the gum line, there may not be enough space for it. This can cause your teeth to become crowded. Moreover, wisdom teeth don’t always come in evenly, resulting in your teeth looking uneven and affecting the quality of your smile.
Your wisdom teeth may also damage surrounding teeth. The emergence of the wisdom teeth can affect the nerves of your other teeth as well, and even your jawbone may sustain some damage. To preserve your overall oral health, we perform wisdom tooth removals.
The Procedure
There are two types of tooth extraction: “simple” and “surgical”. A simple extraction is the procedure done if the tooth is exposed inside the mouth. The patient is awake throughout the whole procedure but will be administered a local anesthetic so they don’t feel any pain. Simple and straightforward, a simple tooth extraction only takes a few minutes to complete.
A surgical extraction is more invasive as it is performed on problematic teeth that are still under the gum line (impacted). This requires our dentist to make an incision or drill into the jawbone tissue. Surgical tooth extractions can take a while and are commonly performed while the patient is under general anaesthesia.
While tooth extractions are safe, complications may occur. This is especially true if the patient is prone to developing severe infections. With the help of highly skilled dentist, however, complications are less likely to occur.
Further Reading
If you need a tooth extraction, call Cholla Family Dentistry today. For your comfort, we offer a variety of comfort aids to make your experience with us as calming as possible, such as a therapy dog, neck pillows, and soothing lip balm. You can reach us at (480) 935-6741.